Download Viber Package

Let’s start by downloading the official Viber Debian package by using the wget command:

wget -O ~/viber.deb

After execution of the above command you should find Viber’s installation package within your home directory:

ls ~/viber.deb

Install Viber
As pointed out by our readers ( see comments below ) the following Viber installation procedure will inadvertently remove libcurl4 from your system and replace it by libcurl3 package due to improper Viber package dependency definition. From this reason you are recommended to install Viber by using the following set of commands in order to preserve libcurl4 state on your system.

sudo apt-mark hold libcurl4
sudo dpkg -i --ignore-depends=libcurl3 ~/viber.deb
sudo apt install -f
sudo dpkg -i --ignore-depends=libcurl3 ~/viber.deb
sudo apt-mark unhold libcurl4

Alternatively, repackage the viber.deb package ( thanks Aleksey Komarov ):

dpkg-deb -x viber.deb viber
dpkg-deb --control viber.deb viber/DEBIAN

Edit viber/DEBIAN/control and repace “libcurl3” with “libcurl4”

dpkg -b viber vibernew.deb
sudo dpkg -i vibernew.deb

At the time of writing the Viber package seems to be a little bit troublesome and unmaintained. The default DEB installers including gdebi fails to fetch prerequisites and the Viber installation attempt results in the error:

Failed to open the software package
The package might be corrupted or you are not allowed to open the file. Check the permissions of the file.

The solution to installing Viber on Ubuntu 18.04 / Mint 19 is to explicitly include the libcurl3 package prerequisite as part of the apt installation command:

$ sudo apt install libcurl3 ~/viber.deb 

Start Viber
To start Viber application you can either run:

$ /opt/viber/Viber

You can always use my modified-ready viber file from
Source : … aver-linux