rIn case you have lost only file/folder NTFS permission and want to restore them

Restore NTFS permissions with robocopy command

robocopy F:\MirrorData \\karanik.server-02\Data /e /sec /secfix /xo /xn /xc /XD “F:\MirrorData\DfsrPrivate”

Exclude DfsrPrivate folder because is using by DFS Replication service.
My Previous Backup command

robocopy \\karanik.server-02\Data F:\MirrorData /MIR /COPYALL /SEC /W:10 /R:3 /ZB /FFT /S /LOG:F:\log_mirror.txt /NFL /NDL

Also you can backup – restore NTFS permissions with icacls (This is the best way, This tool is exactly for this job)

Backup with icacls

icacls D:\MirrorData /save C:\acl.txt /T /C

Restore with icacls

icacls F:\MirrorData /restore C:\acl.txt /T /C

/T  = Recurse the directory
/C  = Continue even after a single failure
/Q = Dont print information about successful files.


More icacls: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/icacls

More robocopy: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/robocopy
